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Regulatory Database, a Boon to the Manufacturers

  • Pharmaceutical or Medical Devices regulatory process is the challenging because of the process will be different for every country and also updates of the process will constantly releasing time to time.
  • Collecting data from the Regulatory Authorities is the complex process which involves research, collection, analyzing and distributing. Any deviation in the process will lead to process failure that can affect the client; process deviation may also lead to paying fines to the Regulatory Authorities.
  • Global coverage shall be required, need to cover as many as countries.
  • Regulatory changes and active tracking of data required on relevant updates.
  • Analyze the content of new updates and need to compare with the previous versions.
  • Segregation of useful information with country specific in the database is a complex process.
  • Some of the authorities releases the updates very rarely which need to be further checked and identifies by the external sources and same to be collected from the regulatory authorities which is very much time consuming process for the database companies.
  • Maintain the database with user friendly will be cost effective.
  • Platform must be created to maintain the data in regular manner and also human intelligence will required to check the data, understands the data which is used by the authority and give precise, concise data to client which involves many people to work in real-time.
  • Data includes the documents, guidelines and other references given by the authorities will be provided by the databases.
  • Global Approach: Platform needs to build which can access to global clients.
  • Multi-level data quality checks need to be done accordingly both frontend, backend of the Regulatory intelligence database. 
  • Training needed to all the persons.
  • By using Regulatory intelligence platform or database the user need to understand the data, compares the both previous, present versions and make decisions accordingly before approaching regulatory authority which is very much helpful, less time consuming process.
  • All the data must be given clearly without fail because user will not cease in the middle and continue with the other database.
  • Need to achieve user timelines and deadlines.
  • Gives complete coverage of the country regulatory updates on time with precision.
  • Database can access globally, no need of conditions
  • User friendly database and data will helps in complete the process of registration, approval, renewal, changes at the regulatory authorities in timely manner and no need of waiting longer period.
  • Creates more employment of science and non-science people.
  • Due to manual addition of data in the database, it’s very easy to understand and practice the step by step process.
  • As the data will be approved by the multilevel people, no need of reviewing again by the regulatory people.
  • Users can mainly focus on the manufacturing processes, no need to worry about regulatory aspects.
  • Regulatory databases give clear cut understanding and precise data for the user.
  • Checklists are very useful for the manufactures to complete the ongoing process and also next level in the process.
  • User waiting period will be less and tension free as the user will know about the complete process and timelines.
  • Timely up to date data will be available to the user.
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